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Our Story

In 3302 LT-ATLAS dad came to Latji along with other Indigenous Tribes from Sol. His father was a simple miner and bounty hunter around the Hikenk and Runapa systems to make ends meet. As the years passed LT-ATLAS dad passed away in 3308 and LT-ATLAS formed Latji Militia shortly after.


The Imperials took over Latji and other core systems and LT-ATLAS fought back along with a few others. On 14 Feb 3309, Latji Militia declared Latji an sovereign state. 


This was much against the wishes of certain governments. Soon an all out war occurred and OSFA was born out of that conflict. After months of conflict a third party Imperial CMDR made it a point to resolve the conflict. From there our enemies became our friendly neighbors and our neighbors became close allies.


Get to Know Us


Home System: Latji

Population: 3800

Faction: Latji Coalition (Related)

Leader: Vice President Serene Barnett

Greetings CMDR's! o7


Do you yearn to be part of a cohesive Tribal Federation aligned family? Then Latji Militia [LTJM] is the squadron for you! Do you enjoy playing in Open or wanted to play in Open mode? Do you want to have no fear of visiting Deciat or Wyrd in open? Do you enjoy PvP? Or does PvE fancy you more? Then we have Hunter and Warrior and STALKER ranks for you! Do you like space trucking? Our gathering ranks are for you! Do you like Black Ops? Then <redacted> is for you! Wanna make a lot of money? Our AX Ops will welcome you with open arms!


We're the indigenous tribe of Latji and we're a sovereign entity in the systems we control and occupy. Our systems we control are considered indigenous territory. We also believe that there's enough space for all of us out here and we intend to help preserve that mindset with our neighbors (Imperial/Independent/Alliance/Federation).


We welcome all CMDR's no matter their allegiance and background in our discord server. Our tribe is growing rapidly and we take care of each other and our coalition forces. We aim to be peaceful unless our home system Latji is attacked or undermined. We're focusing on PvP and AX Coalition Operations as a focal point this year and we play in open mode exclusively for all BGS activity! Our Tribesmen are allowed to play in PG or Solo if they're not doing BGS activity or in sanctioned AX Coalition combat.


What we do:


Typically we provide combat/humanitarian aid to those in need, no matter their allegiance (provided it doesn't go against the endeavors of our coalitions we forged!). We also assist those in need with our nomadic forces (PvP/Powerplay/BGS/AX) when we can afford to. We don't accept payment in money, we instead believe camaraderie and bonds are more important!


Not interested in joining our tribal family? We still welcome you to our discord and if you need assistance or mentorship with your build or need someone to escort your haul, we'll be happy to help. No matter your allegiance! We encourage the community to grow and thrive as a whole!


We're also a proud founding member of the Orion Spear Federation Association (OSFA) Coalition and part of Orange Alert (Felicia Winters Coalition).

We're always looking to recruit and all is welcome to our discord server

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